A catalogue of a capital and valuable collection of highly finished modern drawings, elegantly framed and glazed
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of the superb jewels, trinkets, plate, gold and silver medals, china, &c. of a person of great rank, dec.
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of the curious museum of a Gentleman, deceased : consisting of a collection of cabinet pictures, drawings, fine prints, framed and glazed, bronzes, marbles, carvings in ivory, roman earthen ware, curious and valuable shells, minerals, fossils, and petrifactions, fine dresden, oriental, and old Chelsea ornamental procelane, some pieces of engraved crystal, a few volumes of very rare scarce books, two library book cases, a paair of elegnat inlaid commodes, curious old Japan cabinets, a capital piece of grotto work, and other valuable miscellaneous articles : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at this Great Room, in Pall Mall, on Wednesday, May 11th."
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of the second part of the valuable and curious collection of fine old porcelane