Catalogue of an important and highly estimable collection of antient pictures
Leigh and Sotheby
A catalogue of the very extensive and valuable collection of botanical prints, drawings, and books of drawings
Phillips, H., -1840
Catalogue of all the ancient and modern household furniture, comprising every requisite domestic article for the use of the mansion, villa, or cottage
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of the very choice and highly valuable cabinet of Italian, Spanish, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of the whole of the very valuable collection of ancient and modern prints, of Mr. Josiah Robert Harrison, Deceased
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777-1857
Catalogue of the valuable and extensive library of the late Very Rev. Archdeacon Nares
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the very celebrated collection of antique gems of the Prince Poniatowski, deceased
Leigh and Sotheby
A catalogue of the well-known and celebrated library of the late Ralph Willett, esq
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of a capital and valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures, the property of a Nobleman, brought from his late mansion in Piccadilly :comprising the undoubted works of the following esteemed masters : Julia Romana, Permegiano, Perdononi, Bassan, L. Du Vinci, Langranco, Luca Giordano, Guido, Carlo Marratte, G. Poussin, Le Seure, Stella, Watteau, D. Teniers, Jean Steen, Backhuysem, Van de Velde, Ruysdael, Cup, Vandermeer, Glauber, Vangoyen, &c. &c. : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room in Pall Mall, on Friday, March the 7th, 1794, and the following day at twelve o'clock : to be viewed till the sale : catalogues may be had at the Rainbow, and in Pall Mall
[1794] ,
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of a most superb collection of capital Italian pictures
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of the magnificent collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of forty capital pictures, the works of distinguished English artists
King & Lochée
A catalogue of the whole of the copper plates, remaining books and prints, of that elegant and accurate publication the Antiquities of Athens, by Stuart and Revett
[approximately 1806]
Collier, Mr. active 1805
A catalogue of a choice collection of capital paintings, by the most eminent Masters of the Old School
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of the genuine and very capital cabinet of choice Italian, French, Flemish and English pictures, original drawings, and articles of ancient sculpture, of the late Hon. C. F. Greville, F. R. and A. S. &c. &c. &c. Dec.
Farebrother, Charles
A catalogue of the reserved and choicest part of a valuable collection of antient stained glass in the selection of which neither expence nor pains have been spared
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of the collection of pictures, of the highest quality of art
Edward Foster (Firm)
A catalogue of the small collection of pictures of the Italian and Dutch Masters
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777-1857
Catalogue of a remarkably choice and select collection of prints and drawings, the property of James Pickering Ord, Esq.
Phillips, Mr.
A catalogue of the important and highly interesting collection of antique gems
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the beautiful cabinet of Dutch and English pictures of Richard Winstanley, Esq., deceased, late of Mecklenburgh Square
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of the magnificent, rare, and valuable library, (of 20,000 volumes)
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the very choice collection of old Sevres, Chelsea, Dresden, and Oriental porcelain, service of plate, pictures and drawings, objects of art & vertu, and cellar of choice old wines, of Henry Loftus Wigram, Esq., late of 15 A, Grosvenor Square, deceased
Ford, James (Auctioneer)
A catalogue of the late Sir Everard Fawkener's pictures, antique bronzes, large marble group of a lion devouring a horse, two curious Egyptian mummies of a woman and a child
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of the genuine and intire stock of capital and valuable prints, drawings, and copper-plates, some of which have never been published : and a few pleasing cabinet pictures : the property of Mr. G. Bartolozzi, retiring from business : comprising an extensive assemblage of prints of the finest impressions : drawings by Cipriani and Bartolozzi : and amongst the plates, the celebrated one after the N. Poussin in the possession of the Marquis of Landsdown : a ditto after the four elements of Albano : and a capital engraving in strokes after the celebrated picture of the Madona Del Sacco, of A. Del Sarto, at Florence by Bartolozzi, lately finished, and which may be truly deemed the finest plate ever executed by that artist : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room in Pall Mall, on Friday, June the 23d, 1797, at twelve o'clock : to be viewed till the sale : catalogues may be had at the Rainbow Coffee House, Cornhill : and in Pall Mall
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of a most superb, capital, and valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of a valuable and choice collection of highly finished drawings, by the most admired modern Masters, framed and glazed
Phillips, H., -1840
Catalogue of the highly estimable collection of Italian, Dutch, and Flemish pictures, particularly several rare and magnificent altar pieces
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very celebrated Montcalm Gallery of Pictures, from Montpellier
Dodd, Thomas, 1771-1850
A catalogue of the extensive and truly magnificent collection of prints
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of the capital and valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures formed by the late John Strange, Esq. LL.D. and F.R. A.S. deceased
Peter Coxe, Burrell, and Foster (London, England)
The catalogue of a small but beautiful assemblage of works of art
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of a most valuable, curious and highly interesting collection of Etruscan or Greek vases and antique bronzes, formed at infinite expence, and with indefatigable research, during a course of thirty years, by the late Mr. James Clark, Antiquary of Naples, Dec.
Christie, Manson, & Christie
A catalogue of the collection of pictures, reserved after the death of that celebrated and elegant painter, Romney, as some of the most capital of his productions
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of the important and highly estimable collection of gallery and cabinet pictures, of the highest class, and quality of art ; uniting the choicest specimens of the Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Flemish, British and French Schools : selected from serveral distinguished galleries in Holland, France and England : among them may be noticed A Virgin and Child, by Raphael ... : a Magdalen by Corregio ... : A landscape and a sea port, by Claude : the Assumption, by Murillo : a Landscape and Cattle, by Berghem : a splendid Fete du Village, and two corps de Garde, by D. Teniers : a grand landscape with a waterfall by Ruysdael : Our Saviour in the Storm, ... by Rembrandt : a fine Calm, by W. Vandevelde : noble portraits, by Rembrandt and Vandyck, &c. &c. : besides other equally meriting a distinct notice, by L. Da Vinci, Seb. Del Piombo, Titian, Carracci, Albano, A. Del Sarto, Sir Joshua Reynolds, N. and G. Poussin, Rubens, A. Vandevelde, Cuyp, J. Ostade, Rembrandt, Caneletti, Wouvermans, Both, Hommima, Teniers, De Koening, Wynants. Sir Thos. Lawrence, Vanderwerf, Dietricy, Weenix, Ferg, Ruysdael, Greuze, Wilson : and will be submitted, without reserve, by the order of Thomas Emmerson, esq., who is quitting London for the vicinity of Bath : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Phillips, at his Rooms, 73, New Bond Street, on Friday, 6th of June, 1834, and following day, at one for two precisely
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777-1857
Catalogue of the valuable library of Benjamin Heath Malkin , Esq. LL.D., headmaster of Bury School ...
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very select cabinet of English and Dutch pictures, of Joseph Delafield, Esq., deceased
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very important collection of capital modern water-colour drawings, and pictures, by modern English, Dutch, and Belgian Masters
Southgate, Son and Grimston
Catalogue of water colour drawings, engravings, etc.
Richardson, William, active 1778-1815
Portraits, india drawings, &c.
Eldin, John Clerk, Lord, 1757-1832
Catalogue of the extensive, genuine, and highly valuable collection of pictures
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of Italian and Flemish pictures of George Manley, Esq. decd.
Christie, Sharp, and Harper
A catalogue of a valuable collection of pictures, drawings, copper plates, &c., the property, and principally the works of that esteemed and excellent artist Mr. Gainsborough Dupont, dec.
Coxe, Peter, -1844
A catalogue of all the valuable, beautiful and highly-finished miniatures, in fancy subjects and portraits
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of a valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Catalogue of the collection of paintings of the late J. Lyversberg, Esq. of Cologne
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very valuable collection of pictures of a high class
Robins, George Henry, 1777-1847.
A catalogue of the elegant and appropriate furniture of the late Marchioness Dowager of Lansdowne, at Camden Hill, near to Kensington
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of a valuable and extensive collection of ancient and modern prints, the entire property of a nobleman of high rank
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of ten English pictures, of the highest class
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the collection of majolica, palissy ware, and porcelain, of the Rev. J.F. Stuart, deceased, late of Kirton-in-Lindsey
Leigh and Sotheby
A catalogue of a genuine and valuable collection of topographical prints and drawings in England and Wales, the most extensive ever offered to public sale
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of the second part of the valuable and curious collection of fine old porcelane
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of the reserved part of a capital collection of Italian pictures
Coxe, Peter, -1844
A catalogue of all the valuable drawings, sketches, sea views, and studies, of that celebrated artist Philip James de Loutherbourg, Esq. R.A. deceased
Mr. Stanley (Firm)
A catalogue of the very valuable collection of Italian, Dutch, & Flemish pictures, being a portion of those that lately ornamented Bridgewater House
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the entire and valuable collection of Italian, Flemish, Dutch, and French pictures, the property of the Earl of Ashburnham
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the choice and valuable collection of pictures, of Ralph Fletcher, Esq., Deceased, and removed from his residence at Gloucester
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of the third portion of the very valuable collection of engravings of Christian Josi, Esq., deceased
Hayot de Longpré, Phillippe
Catalogue de quelques tableaux de bons maitres
Chariot, C.-L. (Claude-Louis)
Catalogue d'estampes
Creaton, Mr
A catalogue of the materials of the Axe and Gate public house, situate at the corner of Downing Street, Whitehall, and nine houses adjoining
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of a collection of objects of art
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the choice and valuable library of the late Francis Broderip, Esq.
Young, W., Mr
Particulars, and conditions of sale, of several very valuable manors, advowsons, and freehold estates ... consisting of the extensive manors of Northington, Totford, Swarraton, and Godsfield, the Grainge Manor, and Lordship of Serveton otherwise Swarroughton; and the noble and superb mansion called the Grainge, ... and the very desirable Manor of Bradley, ... also, the advowson of the rectory of Bradley, ... which will be sold by auction, by Mr. W. Young, on Wednesday, the 11th of April, 1787, at twelve o' clock, at Garraway's coffee-house, 'Change-Alley, London, in two lots, by order of the co-heiresses of the Right Hon. the Earl of Northington, deceased
Peirson, Thomas
Bibliotheca Peirsoniana, or, Catalogue raisonné
Robins, George Henry, 1777-1847
A catalogue of the very valuable & rare collection of pictures, at Exeter Hall, Strand, embracing upwards of two hundred of a superior class ...
Edward Foster (Firm)
Catalogue of a valuable collection of pictures, of the old masters
Mr. Stanley (Firm)
A catalogue of the portraits of eminent persons and a choice cabinet of paintings, collected by Mr. Jarman
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of the genuine, capital, and valuable collection of pictures, by the most esteemed masters of the Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch Schools
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of eight capital and valuable marble statues
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of a few very capital and celebrated pictures from the Colonna and Bernini Palaces of Rome and Buonacorsi Parini Palace of Florence
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of a valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures
Farebrother, Charles
A catalogue of a collection of antient stained glass
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very interesting and valuable collection of Italian pictures, of the Rafaelle period, formed by Edward Solly, Esq., deceased
Catalogue de miniatures, goaches, dessins, estampes en feuilles, sous verres & en volumes
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of a highly interesting collection of antiquities & works of art, formed by the late Henry F. Holt, Esq.
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of a capital and elegant collection of pictures, selected from the Roman, Florentine, Lombard, Venetian, and other schools
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of a collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures, together with a selection of pleasing subjects, drawings in water colours, &c. by Morland, Wheatley, and other modern masters
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of a small but choice collection of chiefly Italian pictures, a few statues, articles of sculpture, and a pair of beautiful slabs, composed of rare marbles
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of all the remaining works of that distinguished artist, Mortimer
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the magnificent and unique collection of Italian Bronzes,
Sotheby and Son
Catalogue of a most interesting & magnificent collection of Egyptian antiquities ...
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the ancient drawings and prints of the Prince Poniatowski, from Florence
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very important collection of pictures, of the Doctor Gaetano Faccioli, of Verona
Robins, George Henry, 1777-1847
A catalogue of all the houshold furniture, fine-toned piano-forte, an eight-day clock, linen, china, glass lustres, and other valuable effects of Mrs. Collins, deceased, at her late house, no. 6, Norfolk-Street, Strand ...
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the remaining works of that distinguished artist, Sir E. Landseer, R.A., deceased
Roxburghe, John Ker, Duke of, 1740-1804
A catalogue of the library of the late John, Duke of Roxburghe
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777-1857
A catalogue of rare and valuable books, the property of Messrs. G. and W. Nicol
Hoym, Karl Heinrich, Graf von, 1694-1736
Catalogus librorum bibliothecae illustrissimi viri Caroli Henrici Comitis de Hoym
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803
A catalogue of a most valuable collection of prints, books of prints, drawings, and antiquities
Prestage, John, -1767
A catalogue of the genuine and entire collection of Greek and Roman medals and medalions in gold, silver, and brass, of the learned Dr. Kennedy, deceas'd
Sotheby and Son
A superficial account of the armorial paintings in the reserved copy of the portraits of illustrious persons
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the genuine & valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the choice collection of thirteen capital pictures, the property of Harry Hankey Dobree, Esq., deceased
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of the collection of original and splendid Italian, Spanish, Dutch & Flemish paintings, the sole property of Thos. Emmerson, Esq.
Robins, George Henry, 1777-1847
A catalogue raisonné of the unequalled collection of historical pictures, and other admired compositions, the works of the revered and highly-gifted painter, the late Benjamin West, esq. president of the Royal Academy
Sotheby, Samuel, 1771-1842
A catalogue of the highly valuable collection of prints and drawings, the property of the late George Baker, Esq., of St. Paul's Church Yard
Squibb, Mr.
A catalogue of the singularly fine and very rare drawings
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of the whole of the very beautiful and highly interesting collection of paintings, the original works of that greatly-admired artist James Ward, Esq. R. A. of no. 6, Nenman Street, about to retire to the country