Symptoms: of Doubtful Amusement - or Craneing, of Anxious Amusement - or Sure of a Bite, of Public Amusement - or No Taxes, Dangerous Amusement - or a Slapper, Private Amusement - or Cruelty
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851, British
Symptoms: of Taking Lessons, of Having Had Enough, of Earnest, of Fun
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851, British
Morning Ride
between 1822 and 1823
Print made by Robert Isaac Cruikshank, 1789–1856, British
Design for the Frontspiece of the Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette, Volume 1