Catalogue of the valuable collection of old snuff-boxes, bonbonnieres, bijouterie, and articles of vertu, of John James, Esq., deceased, late of Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park ; also, the choice collection of snuff-boxes of Sigismund Rucker, Esq. ; also, three very fine boxes, with enamels by Petitot, from the collection of George IV : which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods, at their Great Rooms, 8, King Street, St. James's Square, on Thursday, May 22, 1873, at one o'clock precisely
Batt, John Thomas, 1746-1831
Valuation of pictures at the Grainge
Rushworth, Abbott & Co.
A catalogue of the valuable theological, classical, and miscellaneous library of the late Right Reverend Samuel Wilberforce, D.D., Lord Bishop of Winchester
Sotheby and Son
Catalogue of the valuable classical and theological library of the late Rev. George Frederic Tavel, formerly Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of ancient & modern pictures, from different private collections, including twenty pictures and drawings from the collection of the late Sir William Tite, M.P., thirty pictures from the collection of the late General Fox ; also, splendid works of Sir J. Reynolds, Gainsborough ..
Scott, Jun., Mr
Catalogue of the intire cabinet of Robert Udney of Udny, Esq. lately deceased
Cock, Mr. (Christopher), active 1720-1749
A catalogue of all the materials of the dwelling-house, out-houses, &c. of His Grace James Duke of Chandos
Scott, Jun., Mr
Catalogue of the intire cabinet of Robert Udney of Udny, Esq. lately deceased, brought from his seat at Teddington
Walton, Herbert, active 1884
Catalogue of original caricatures by "Lib"
Hodgson, Edmund
A catalogue of a valuable and splendid collection of books, prints, books of prints, Persian Mss., Music, &c.
Crockford's Auction Hall Company, Limited
A catalogue of the remaining portion of choice water-colour drawings, by Karl Werner, J. Guiaud, Karl Girardet, Soulier, Roelois, Ramelet, Van Wiselingh, Fragonard, Medy, E. Lami, Bossoli, Pelgrini, Pensee and others
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the valuable library of that eminent connoisseur, S. M. Smith, Esq., Deceased, late of 137 New Bond Street
Christie, James, 1773-1831
A catalogue of a truly choice and capital collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777-1857
Catalogue of a select portion of the valuable library of John Crosse, Esq. of Hull, and a portion of the library of the late Richard Payne Knight, Esq.
Sotheby and Son
Catalogue of the select and elegant library of the late Mrs. Martyn, widow of the Rev. Thomas Martyn, Professor of Botany at Cambridge ...
Cock, Mr. (Christopher), active 1720-1749
A catalogue of the collection of the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Oxford deceas'd
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777-1857
Catalogue of the valuable library of Benjamin Heath Malkin , Esq. LL.D., headmaster of Bury School ...
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the collection of majolica, palissy ware, and porcelain, of the Rev. J.F. Stuart, deceased, late of Kirton-in-Lindsey
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the renowned collection of English pictures and sculpture, of that distinguished patron of art, Elhanan Bicknell, Esq.