A catalogue of the genuine collection of that distinguished amateur Domenic de Bast
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of the interesting collection of paintings, by the most eminent Masters of the several schools of art
Edward Foster (Firm)
A catalogue of the choice and valuable collection of pictures, of the first class in the Italian, Spanish, Dutch and Flemish schools, selected with great judgment and discrimination from celebrated galleries and collections both at home and abroad ...
Stewart, Wheatley & Adlard
A catalogue of a very select and valuable collection of prints, recently consigned from Holland
Phillips, Mr.
Catalogue of the valuable Italian, Spanish and Dutch pictures of a collector, of great taste and judgment
Phillips, Mr.
A catalogue of an important collection of pictures, of the highest class
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of a valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the valuable collection of pictures by Italian, Flemish, French, Dutch, and English masters
Elgood & Ward
A catalogue of the valuable effects no. 7 New Cavendish Street, immediately opposite Mansfield Street
Edward Foster (Firm)
A catalogue of a superb collection of pictures of the Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Flemish schools
Phillips, Mr.
A catalogue of the reserved and last portion of the valuable collection of ancient pictures, formed by the late Allan Gilmore, Esq. of Portland Place
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the valuable and highly interesting collection of portraits of illustrious characters and nobility, from the time of Henry VIII to that of Charles II, collected by the speaker Lenthall
Phillips, Mr.
A catalogue of the very interesting and valuable collection of ancient cabinet pictures, selected with judgment and great liberality from the Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Flemish and French Schools, by T. A. Pateshall, Esq. and removed from his late residence, Soho Square, having retired into the country from severe indisposition
Sotheby, Samuel, 1771-1842
A catalogue of the valuable collection of prints, drawings & pictures of the late distinguished artist, Thomas Rowlandson, Esq. ...
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the very valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, Dutch, and English pictures, of Samuel Archbutt, Esq
Oxenham & Son
Catalogue of an exceedingly valuable collection of pictures, the property of a Nobleman
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of a valuable and select cabinet of pictures
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very choice and highly interesting collection of Italian and Flemish pictures, of the Count Orsini, of Florence
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the town collection of capital pictures
Phillips, Mr.
A catalogue of a selection of twenty-six valuable first class original pictures, being a portion of the celebrated collection of John Knight, Esq. No. 52 Portland Place
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of the unique and beautiful collection of select cabinet pictures, of high quality and rank
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of a very valuable and highly interesting collection of chiefly Italian pictures, the property of a collector
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the celebrated collection of pictures, of the very highest class
Foster and Son (London, England)
Catalogue of the collection, including many first-class pictures
Foster and Son (London, England)
A catalogue of the collection of Dutch pictures of the first class, the property of the well-known Amateur, Edward Solly, Esq.
Foster and Son (London, England)
Catalogue of a very important and beautiful collection of Italian & Dutch pictures of the highest quality, formed with great liberality and taste from the most renowned collections
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the very valuable collection of Dutch and English pictures, of Thomas Clutterbuck, Esq. deceased and removed from Bushey House, Herts.
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the very splendid collection of Italian, Spanish, French, Flemish, Dutch, and English pictures of Monsieur Nieuwenhuys
Edward Foster (Firm)
Catalogue of a valuable collection of pictures of the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch schools, in their genuine & speculative condition
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of a very valuable assemblage of capital pictures, chiefly of the great Italian, with some fine specimens of the French, Flemish, Dutch, & English schools
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the very valuable and well selected collection of modern pictures the property of Sir Francis Freeling, Bart., deceased
Phillips, Mr.
Catalogue of an important and highly estimable collection of antient pictures
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of the important and highly estimable collection of gallery and cabinet pictures, of the highest class, and quality of art ; uniting the choicest specimens of the Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Flemish, British and French Schools : selected from serveral distinguished galleries in Holland, France and England : among them may be noticed A Virgin and Child, by Raphael ... : a Magdalen by Corregio ... : A landscape and a sea port, by Claude : the Assumption, by Murillo : a Landscape and Cattle, by Berghem : a splendid Fete du Village, and two corps de Garde, by D. Teniers : a grand landscape with a waterfall by Ruysdael : Our Saviour in the Storm, ... by Rembrandt : a fine Calm, by W. Vandevelde : noble portraits, by Rembrandt and Vandyck, &c. &c. : besides other equally meriting a distinct notice, by L. Da Vinci, Seb. Del Piombo, Titian, Carracci, Albano, A. Del Sarto, Sir Joshua Reynolds, N. and G. Poussin, Rubens, A. Vandevelde, Cuyp, J. Ostade, Rembrandt, Caneletti, Wouvermans, Both, Hommima, Teniers, De Koening, Wynants. Sir Thos. Lawrence, Vanderwerf, Dietricy, Weenix, Ferg, Ruysdael, Greuze, Wilson : and will be submitted, without reserve, by the order of Thomas Emmerson, esq., who is quitting London for the vicinity of Bath : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Phillips, at his Rooms, 73, New Bond Street, on Friday, 6th of June, 1834, and following day, at one for two precisely
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the choice and valuable collection of pictures, of Ralph Fletcher, Esq., Deceased, and removed from his residence at Gloucester
Robins, George Henry, 1777-1847
A catalogue of the very valuable & rare collection of pictures, at Exeter Hall, Strand, embracing upwards of two hundred of a superior class ...
Edward Foster (Firm)
Catalogue of a valuable collection of pictures, of the old masters
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the genuine & valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Phillips, Mr.
A catalogue of the important & most valuable portion of the collection of ancient pictures, the property of the late Allan Gilmore, Esq. of Portland Place
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the exquisite cabinet of pictures, of the Honourable Lady Stuart, deceased