A catalogue of a small part of the valuable collection of pictures of the Countess De Grey, deceased, and the household furniture, pier glasses, &c. at Her Ladyship's late residence, St. James's Square : which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. Christie & Manson, on the premises, on Wednesday, July 3m 1833, and following day, at one o'clock precisely
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of Flemish, Dutch, French, and English pictures, of the highest class, the property of Edward W. Lake, Esq.
Phillips, Mr.
Catalogue of the valuable Italian, Spanish and Dutch pictures of a collector, of great taste and judgment
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of a valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very important collection of pictures, the property of Edmund Higginson, Esq.., of Saltmarshe, Herefordshire
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the very valuable collection of English pictures
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of a collection of splendid pictures, formed from the British school of art
Phillips, Mr.
A catalogue of a collection of ancient pictures, of the highest class
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very important collection of pictures of the greatest English artists
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the very choice collection of modern English pictures
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the collection of old English plate, pictures, water-colour drawings, and engravings, of J.P. Dexter, Esq., deceased
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the very splendid collection of Italian, Spanish, French, Flemish, Dutch, and English pictures of Monsieur Nieuwenhuys
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of a very valuable assemblage of capital pictures, chiefly of the great Italian, with some fine specimens of the French, Flemish, Dutch, & English schools
Edward Foster (Firm)
Catalogue of a collection of pictures, of the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch schools :the property of a gentleman, who, in the formation of this cabinet, has shewn how fully he is acquainted with the various Masters and Schools : including some exceedingly choice specimens of Correggio, Domenichino, J. Romano, Luini, Poussin, Jan Stein [Steen], Backhuysen, Ruysdael, G. Dow, Snyders, Rubens, A. Vandevelde, Patel, A. Maas, W. Vandevelde, Wright, Marlow, Hodges, Morland, Loutherbourg ; a magnificent picture of lions by Rubens ; a storm, W. Vandevelde ; landscape & sheep, A. Vandevelde ; continence of Scipio, Eckhout ; Achilles discovering his father's amour, & flight into Egypt, both by N. Poussin ; landscape by Karel du Jardin ; a beautiful landscape by Dietricy ; landscape by Moucheron, figures by A. Vandevelde ; Holy family by Paggi, &c. : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Edward Fosters, at his Gallery, 54, Pall Mall, on Friday, Nay 31, 1833, and following day, exactly at two o'clock
Christie, Manson, & Christie
A catalogue of the collection of pictures, reserved after the death of that celebrated and elegant painter, Romney, as some of the most capital of his productions
Robins, George Henry, 1777-1847
A catalogue of the very valuable & rare collection of pictures, at Exeter Hall, Strand, embracing upwards of two hundred of a superior class ...
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the choice collection of thirteen capital pictures, the property of Harry Hankey Dobree, Esq., deceased
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the exquisite cabinet of pictures, of the Honourable Lady Stuart, deceased